News & Events



Disability Redbridge trustees agreed at their meeting held on March 20th 2017 that the membership and hire fees would REMAIN AT THE CURRENT RATE:
Annual membership £10 per year
Day hire: members £2/day non members: £5/day
Members are also able to hire equipment on a long term basis.
The fees have not increased since 17th March 2012 and are extremely good value.
This is due to the invaluable, generous and continuing support of the EXCHANGE, who fund Ilford Shopmobility in kind by providing the offices and utilities, and the work of all the volunteers providing the service. No 1st April increase, hire fees stay the same!!!

Click here downloadable version

Printable verison

Tranport News 

In 2018, Crossrail will start running services from four Redbridge stations: Ilford, Seven Kings, Chadwell Heath and Goodmayes.

To find out more you can look at the Crossrail website (Click here) For information about public transport problems call Transport for All at 020 7737 2339 or email

Click here for the Transport for All Sick of Waiting campaign

CiiL has move to 98 – 100 Ilford Lane, Ilford IG1 2LD

Redbridge Concern newsletter weblink:

Click here for more information

Freedom pass

Changes to Freedom Pass administration Charges for lost or damaged cards and new contact numbers. More info

Remember to re-new your Freedom pass and the date for re-newal is 31st March and here is the web link (below) for contacting your council. More info



Please download and fill in this feedback Questionnaire and send it to

Download here

or send it to this address (below)

Ilford Shopmobility Car Park Level1,Exchange,

High Road,




Available in the


We keep a wide range of information leaflets and magazines in the office including ‘Ability Needs’ which is produced in partnership with National Federation of Shopmobility. We do not charge for the magazines but donation are always welcome!!!